Three killed and five others injured in 11-vehicle pile-up in Bahau
From theStar:-
BAHAU: Three people were killed and five others seriously injured after an out-of-control lorry transporting rubberwood ploughed into several vehicles at a traffic light junction along Jalan Mahsan-Bahau near here yesterday.
The 10-wheeler was approaching the T-junction from Bandar Seri Jempol when it grazed a car before slamming into a group of motorcyclists.(Image source: TheStar)
It then crashed into the rear of another trailer which in turn slammed into four cars. Lorry driver Abdul Halim Omar, 33, and his assistant Nordin Ahmad, 45, were killed on the spot in the 11-vehicle pile-up which occurred at about 11.20am. Abdul Halim was driving the 10-wheeler and was going downhill when he was believed to have lost control of the lorry. He was said to have been heading here.
Jempol OCPD Supt Mohd Sabri Muhammad said the lorry, believed to have been overloaded, first grazed a Proton Iswara parked by the roadside before crashing into two motorcycles. It then knocked into a 14-wheeler trailer which was about to stop at the junction, crushing before hitting another motorcycle, killing its pillion rider Muhammad Izwan Noorazman, 20. This collision caused the second trailer to swerve into the right lane and crash into four cars. “Abdul Halim and Nordin, from Labis in Johor, died after being pinned inside their vehicle following the collisions. Muhammad Izwan died after being dragged along with his motorcycle by the lorry,” he said.
Eyewitness Nor Faizal Masyuran, 20, who was at a motorcycle repair shop near the scene of the accident, said he heard a loud bang when the lorry transporting rubberwood crashed into another vehicle
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