Forgotten girl dies in car
From theStar:-
TUMPAT: In a rush to attend a cousin's funeral, a man forgot about his three-year-old daughter who was sleeping in the car under the blazing sun about 500m away from the cemetery at Kampung Morak near here.By the time he remembered about her more than an hour later, the girl had already suffered serious heatstroke.
In the 11.45am incident, Nor Izyan Natasya Ishak died of severe heatstroke while being rushed to a nearby clinic.
Her father Ishak Salleh said he was in such a hurry to attend the funeral yesterday that the moment he arrived at the cemetery, he just parked his car, turned off the engine and locked the vehicle.
District OCPD Superintendent Khalid Munap confirmed the incident and said it had been classified as sudden death.
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